The TerraMar Project - Weltmeer-Machtübernahme

Forscht man nach dem TerraMar Project, findet man schnell heraus, dass Ghislaine Maxwell diese non-profit Organisation im Jahr 2012 gegründet hat. Geht man tiefer in die Thematik, sieht man, dass die ClintonFondation auch mit drin steckt. Zu Guter letzt natürlich auch die Bill und Melinda Gates Stiftung. Ach, und nicht zu vergessen, die Rockenfellers natürlich auch.

Hinterfragt euch selbst nach dem Zweck dieser Organisation und warum nicht nur die Weltmeere sondern auch die Arktis eine wichtige Rolle für Gründerin und dessen Unterstützer spielen. 

The TerraMar Project, in the United States, was a self-described environmentalnonprofit organization with a focus on ocean protection founded in 2012 by Ghislaine Maxwell.[1][2] A separate ocean conservation charity, TerraMar (UK), was incorporated in 2013 by Maxwell in Salisbury, United Kingdom.[3] The TerraMar Project was incorporated in London and Delaware in 2012.[4] TerraMar (US) announced its closure on 12 July 2019, shortly after New York federal prosecutors arrested Maxwell's close associate, the financier and convicted sex offenderJeffrey Epstein, on new charges of sex trafficking.[5][6] However, Maxwell's company TerraMar (UK) continued to exist with her listed as a director until it was officially dissolved on 3 December 2019.[3]  Quelle Wikipedia


Sustainable Oceans Alliance: Impacting the SGDs | Clinton Foundation

In 2013, the Sustainable Oceans Alliance (SOA) committed to mobilize the international community and the public at large on the importance of the Oceans and the Seas and to ensure that the 193 Member States of the United Nations recognize and incorporate oceans in the Sustainable Development Goals, to be adopted in 2015. This two pronged approach will mobilize Member States of the United Nations to include Oceans in the SDGs and the global campaign will engage citizens around the world to have a say in the effective and efficient management, and preservation of oceans and seas. By including Oceans and Seas in the SDGs, governments will be able to develop national plans and strategies for the protection of the oceans. One of the overarching goals of the Alliance is to build a coalition of the broad range of actors in this field and provide a unified voice to bring about more cohesion in the balance between humans and marine life.

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